Shadow in the market, the magic of this Iran and Arab fruit, the sweetness will be refreshed, the crowd broke down to buy

Shadow in the market, the magic of this Iran and Arab fruit, the sweetness will be refreshed, the crowd broke down to buy

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In view of the month of Ramadan, the dates of Dubai are coming in Karauli including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq country. In this too, Iran is making the biggest blast in Karauli, a date in the country.


Karauli market adorned with dates of many countries in Ramadan


  • Dates of Arab countries were celebrated during Ramadan in Karauli.
  • The most popular in Iran’s alchemy dates Karauli.
  • The price of dates from ₹ 120 to ₹ 1200 kg.

KarauliIn the Pak month of Ramadan, the fruit markets of Karauli city are adorned with the dates of many countries. This time the dates of Arab countries are the most abundant. Rojedars are also preferring to open the dates of Arab countries in the Pak month of Ramadan. These days many dates of dates are available in markets. Among them, there is one or two variety of dates which have come from Arab countries for the first time in Karauli.

According to fruit traders-this time, in view of the month of Ramadan, Dubai’s dates are coming in Karauli including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq country. In this too, there is a date of Iran, which is making the most blast in Karauli. The name of this date is altered palm. Which is called the famous date of Iran.

Dates available ranging from ₹ 120 to ₹ 1200 kg
According to fruit trader Imran Khan, variety of dates from ₹ 120 to ₹ 1200 kg in the month of Ramadan is available in the fruit markets of Karauli city. Businessman Imran Khan says that Karauli has the highest number of dates from Arab countries this time.

One date of Iran is the most demanding
According to traders, the quality of this Iranian date is the best in all dates. Apart from this, patients of diabetes can also eat it. They also do not harm them due to less sweet. This alchemy date of Iran is being sold in Karauli for ₹ 300 kg these days.


Shadow in the market, the magic of this Iran and Arab fruit, the sweetness will be refreshed

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