Shakun Apshakun Do Not Ignore These Unlucky Signs Related To Crows It Is Considered Bad Omen

Shakun Apshakun Do Not Ignore These Unlucky Signs Related To Crows It Is Considered Bad Omen

Crow Shakun Apshakun: Many incidents that happen in our life are seen in connection with omens and bad omens. Some such things have been told in Shakun Shastra, which indicate auspicious and inauspicious. In Hinduism, crows are considered messengers of Yama. The crow is considered to be such a bird that has a premonition of any event. In Shakun Shastra, many signs related to crows have been told which give inauspicious results. These signals from crows should not be ignored at all. Let us know about these ominous and inauspicious signs related to crows.

Bad omens from crows

If a crow speaks facing south, then it is considered an inauspicious sign. It is said that in this way the crow gives advance notice to a member of the house about a major illness. It also indicates an inauspicious sign of a major accident happening to any member of the house. A flock of crows crying on the roof of the house is also very inauspicious. This is the possibility of some crisis coming. In such a situation one should pray to God.

If a crow pecks at you, it is also considered a bad omen. It indicates that you are going to be hurt in some way. This suffering can be physical or financial as well. It is also inauspicious for a crow to come out after touching its head. It is believed that you may suddenly get into trouble and you need to be careful.

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Crow also gives auspicious sign

It is considered a good sign if a crow caws early in the morning on the eaves, balcony or terrace of the house. It indicates the arrival of guest in the house. If a crow is seen flying with a piece of bread in its mouth, then it is an auspicious sign of fulfillment of your big wish. In Shakun Shastra, speaking of crows in the north direction in the afternoon is also considered auspicious. Seeing crows drinking water means that you can get money soon.

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