Shalini Passi On Bond With Shah Rukh Khan-Gauri Khan: Shalini Pasi made her OTT debut in 2024 with Netflix’s ‘Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives 3’. Since then she has remained in the news. Meanwhile, Shalini has now revealed that she has a years-old relationship with the King of Bollywood i.e. Shahrukh Khan and his family.
Shalini is the wife of veteran Delhi businessman Sanjay Pasi and she remains in the headlines for her extra luxurious lifestyle. Recently she gave an interview to Barkha Dutt in which she told that her husband Sanjay and Shahrukh Khan studied together in school and both had a good friendship.
‘He is an expert in maintaining contact with people’
‘Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives 3’ fame Shalini Pasi said- ‘Sanjay grew up with him and he is very good about relationships, whereas I am kind of floating. I am very moody. He is an expert in maintaining contact with people, whereas I am not. I am 100% here for you, but I am also in the mood for this.
‘Gauri has given me courage…’
Shahrukh Khan And talking about her good relationship with Gauri Khan, Shalini said- ‘They are very solid people from Delhi, who have achieved big achievements in Bombay. But, he remained in touch with all his friends, which is unbelievable. Gauri has given me courage. I got married at a very young age and she is a person who always speaks her mind. This was a big thing for me.
Shalini called Gauri Khan ‘trustworthy’
Regarding Gauri Khan, Shalini further says- ‘I know that she is coming from a good place, I knew that I can trust her. The advice he gave me, I knew was 100 percent real.