Shani Gochar 2023 Saturn Transit In Aquarius Effect Can Be Third World War Main Role Of India By Suresh Shrimali Astrologer

Shani Gochar 2023 Saturn Transit In Aquarius Effect Can Be Third World War Main Role Of India By Suresh Shrimali Astrologer

Saturn Transit 2023 in Aquarius, Shani Gochar 2023, Shani Gochar Effect: According to Panchang, the cruel planet Shani will leave Capricorn and enter Aquarius on January 17 at 8.02 pm. It will be retrograde here for 3,384 hours in 12 months. Due to Saturn’s retrograde, there will be a terrible impact on people of different zodiac signs – on the country and the world. year 2023 Due to the influence of Shani transit in Kumbh, the third world war may start. Come let us know what Indian astrologer Pandit Suresh Shrimali says about the effects of Saturn.

year 2023 in Shani Transit of world On effect

It is almost certain that not only in the year 2023 but in the years ahead, Shani does not seem to calm down. Between the years 2023 to 2025, when Saturn is in Aquarius, there will be many chances of a world war and between 2024 and 2034, internationally trusted astrologer Suresh Shrimali has already expressed about the possible conditions for the third world war. .

According to Shrimali, India will emerge as the most economic and other power in this next world war. Also, India will play a major role in this war till peace is established. Between the year 2023 and the year 2025, there are possibilities of many malefic effects of Shani coming to the fore. The political and party struggle in India will reach its peak. Here some political parties may become active in increasing unrest by getting caught in the clutches of communal frenzy.

Horoscope in Shani Of Situation And people On their influence

According to Pandit Shrimali, if Saturn is weak or debilitated in the birth chart, then it causes poverty, fear of thieves, paralysis, stomach ailment, eye disease, injury due to injury, asthma, leprosy, vata and phlegm related diseases. Shani Dev is also the age factor, Shani’s place is important in Ayushya Yogas. When Saturn is in an auspicious position, it increases the age, and when it is in an inauspicious position, it takes away the age.

Shani Dev Elf achievement as well giving Huh

Shani Dev Apsara also gives Siddhi. Apsaras reside in Shani Mandal only. She feels safe in Shani Lok. Because Shani Dev is jobless. Shani Dev has learned from his Guru Shiva to destroy lust. Shani Dev is the ultimate Yogi. He is the ultimate meditator. He always keeps his vision focused on his nasika.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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