Shardiya Navratri 2024 on 9 October Seventh Day Maa Kalratri puja mantra importance and katha in hindi

Shardiya Navratri 2024 on 9 October Seventh Day Maa Kalratri puja mantra importance and katha in hindi

Shardiya Navratri 2024 Day 7 Maa Kalratri Puja: Mother Kalratri is the presiding deity of the seventh day. Their body color is completely black. These appear to be very scary in appearance. His hair is messy. There is a shining garland around the neck in honor of Bijli. There are three eyes continuously showering flame on the face. Every breath is a tribute to the electric flames. His vehicle is a donkey. The right upper hand is in Vara Mudra and the lower hand is in Abhaya Mudra. In the other hand there is an iron fork and a dagger at the top and bottom.

Maa Kalratri Mantra

Lamboshthi Karnikakarni oil dependent body.
Vampadollsalloh Latakantakabhushana.
Vardhan Murdhadhwaja Krishna Kalratribhayankari.

Mother Kalratri is worshiped on the seventh day of Navratri. On this day, due to the mind being situated in the Sahasrara Chakra, the doors of the entire universe open up for the practitioner. The attention remains completely focused on the mother. All sorrows, troubles, evil demons and ghosts end. Any kind of pain ends.

Mother Goddess should be worshiped as per the rules, with sincerity and purity of mind. Because they give auspicious results, they are also known by the name ‘Shubhankari’. From today onwards, food is offered to 8 unmarried girls and women wear blue saree on this day.

There are many widespread misconceptions about Kaalratri or Kali Mata and her Tantra Vidya which need to be removed with logic and as per the scriptures. If we leave aside some vested interests as an exception due to lack of research and deep exploration, then there are many paths to reach God which include Veda Marg, Gyan Marg and Tantra Marg.

According to Mahanirvana Tantram (2.7.8), Tantra path will be more prevalent in Kaliyuga. Here we will try to understand and resolve some controversies related to the system.

Let us start with Tantra Vidya which is said to be secret and mysterious. It should be done only under the guidance of a right Guru because many secrets are hidden in it. This path is implemented in a secret manner. It is very important for the person doing this to be an expert in this art and understand its nuances. It is said in Bhavchudamani-

Tantranamati Shunyagoodhatatvattabhadbhavospyati Gopitah. Brahmins Vedshastrathatatvasho wise Vashi. Esoteric Tantrastrarth Bhavasya Nimarthayou Quotation Ksham: Vamarge Adhikari Syaditro Dukhbhag Bhavet.
In other words- Tantra Vidya is a secret and mysterious path. The person doing this should be extremely careful and skilled otherwise they will suffer pain. There is mention of left path in Tantra Mantra Shastra. But this is a difficult path and only one whose senses are under his control can do it.

Many types of Chakras are found in Tantra Shastra such as Bhairavi Chakra, Shiva Chakra, Shri Chakra, Aya Chakra, Vishnu Chakra etc. which are also mentioned in Bhavo Upanishad, Tripuratapini, Nrisinghatapini Upanishads.

Hey Deva Ha Bhagavantammoovan Mahachakranamkam Sarvakaamikam Sarvaradhyam Sarvarupam Vishwatomukham
Mokshadwaram tadetnamahachakram. Balo wa wave sa bhavati sa gurubhavati. (Nrisinghatpini)

That is, once the gods asked the Lord about the Maha Chakras, then he said that their head is the one who is respected by the gods and saints and who is the door to salvation. One who knows these chakras becomes great or a guru. The world is contained within five angles in any chakra. This is also written in the Vedas.

Madhyam Mansakh Meenakh Mudra Maithoonmev Ch. Makarapanchakam prahuyoginam muktidayakam.

That is, Sura, meat, fish, money and lust, these five spiritual deceptions can bring salvation to the yogi.

Meaning of Sura and alcohol in Tantra
व्योमपंकजनिशायंदसुधापानरतो भवेत मन्याविमिदम प्रक्तमित्रे मध्यपायिनः।

In other words The one who is fed from Brahmarandhra Sahastra Dal is called Sudha, the one who is fed from Kulkandalini, this is alcohol. The one who drinks is called a drunkard. And

BrahmasthanSarojapatralsita Brahmandtriptipada

That stream of satisfying nectar emanating from the lotus is as if the only drinking water or liquor within the Brahmarandhra Sahasrara universe.

True meaning of alcoholism according to Tantra: In the first chapter of Kali Tantram, drinking alcohol means that we should raise our Kundalini, awaken it within the Shatchakra and enjoy living in harmony with Shiva Shakti. By taking Kundalini to Muladhar or earth element, one gets the pleasure of drinking alcohol. By drinking this nectar of bliss, the cycle of life and death ends. This is the meaning of alcoholism.

Meaning of meat in Tantra: Punyapunyapashum hatva gyankhaden yogvit. Parelayam nayat chittam maansashi sa nigdyate.

The yogi who has cut the animal of virtue and sin with the sword of knowledge and is in the shelter of Brahma is a non-vegetarian.

Kamkroddhau animal tujhyou bali dashrava japan charet. Kamkrodhsulobh moha pashukanchchitva viveksina mansam nirvishayam pratamsukhdam bhujanti tesham buddha. (Bhairavayamal)

According to this, a carnivore is a person who, using his sword of knowledge, brings joy to himself and others.

It is also said that vagina and penis are worshiped in Tantra. The answer is in the first chapter of Kali Tantram.
1. Maternal vagina means the triangle near the Muladhar Chakra. Yoni means any other pearl except Sumeru.
2. In this chapter, gender was called soul.

Meanings are different in Tantra, it should not be understood from the point of view of worldly Sanskrit. From the analysis so far, it can be understood that it is difficult to understand Tantra without a Guru. The answer to the importance of Tantra Vidya in Kaliyuga is given in Mahanirvana Tantra.

Satyam Satyam Again Satyam Satyam Satyam Mayochyate. Vina Hayagammarge Kalau Nasti Gati: Dear.

Shivji said to Parvati that he speaks the truth only by doing the truth and this truth is the only path of the soul in Kaliyuga, Agamapath.

Shrutismriti Puranadau Mayaivyokta Pura Shiva. Agamokta bidhanen kalau devanya jetsudhih.

Further Shiva said that in Shruti, Smriti and Purana, I have asked the pundits of Kaliyuga to take the help of Tantra. Here it is necessary to control your senses. They should be surrendered to the soul.

मासादिन्द्र्यगनम् सायमत्मानी योजयेत स मिनाशी भवेद्वी इतार प्रानहीनस्काः..

Minashi is one who has controlled his senses and has surrendered himself to the soul. The matter of keeping Tantric knowledge secret is written in Dattatreya Tantra. Since it has to be kept secret, it is not written in detail here. Some quotes are presented.

It is written in Dattatreya Tantra:-

Shrunu Siddhi Mahayogin Sarvayoga Visharad. Tantravidyam Mahaguhyam Devanampi Durlabham.

In other words Shivji told Dattatreya that this knowledge is so secret that even the gods do not know about it.

Tavagre kathayate dev tantravidyashiromani.
Guhyadguhya mahaguhya guhya guhya again again.

Let this knowledge remain a secret.

Devotee of Guru, Datvaya Nabhaktay Kadachan.

Whoever goes deep within me, only a person who is determined in his intentions and respects his Guru is eligible to learn this Vidya.

Shirodyatasutam dadyann dadyatantrakalpakam. Yasmai Kasmai Na Daatvyam Nanyatha Mam Bhashitam.

When the time comes, a person can get his head cut off or sacrifice his son, but one should never reveal the Tantra. Therefore, one should stay away from this knowledge without the guidance of Guru and should not make fun of it because it would be called the sin of blaspheming Shiva.

Also read: Shardiya Navratri 2024 Day 6: Today is the sixth day of Shardiya Navratri, importance and mantra of worshiping Mother Katyayani.

Note- The views given above are the personal views of the author. It is not necessary that ABP News Group agrees with this. The author alone is responsible for all claims or objections related to this article.

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