Shiv Puran niti in hindi why Lord Shiva get the name pashupati or pashupatinath know the secret

Shiv Puran Lord Shiva Niti in Hindi: Lord Shiva is known by many names. He is known by many names like Bhole Bhandari, Mahadev, Devadhidev, Bholnath, Shankar, Gangadhar, Adidev, Neelkanth etc. There is a story or mystery associated with every name of Lord Shiva.

For example, Shiva’s throat had turned blue due to drinking the Halahal poison that came out of the churning of the ocean, due to which he was named Neelkanth. Similarly, similar stories and mysteries are associated with their other names. Among the many names of Lord Shiva, one name is Pashupati or Pashupatinath. Today we will know about the secret of this name of Lord Shiva.

How did Shiva get the name Pashupati?

Once all the powers of the universe came together and prepared a divine chariot for Shiva. Vishnu ji became the arrow of Shiva and Agni Dev became the tip of the arrow. Sages, gods, Gandharvas, Nagas, Lokpal, Brahma, Vishnu all were praising him. But as soon as Lord Shiva started climbing on that divine chariot, the horses fell headlong on the ground. The earth started shaking. Suddenly even Sheshnag could not bear the weight of Shiva and started trembling in excitement.

Then Lord Dharanidhar took the form of Nandishwar and lifted the chariot. But he too could not bear the exquisite glory of Shiva and knelt down. After this, on the orders of Lord Shiva, Brahma ji picked up the horses with a whip in his hand and parked the chariot. Then Lord Shiva sat in that excellent chariot and Lord Brahma, harnessed to the chariot, led the Veda horses as fast as the mind and wind, aiming at the three cities in the sky of those ascetic demons.

Shiva told the importance of Pashupat fast

Then Lord Shiva started saying to all the gods that, if you imagine a little bit of animality about all the gods and other creatures and give me the authority over those animals, then I will kill those demons. Because only then those demons can be killed, otherwise their end is impossible.

Due to these words of Devadhidev Mahadev, all the gods became suspicious of animality, due to which their hearts became sad. Shiva told the gods that no one would fall even after attaining animal form. I also tell you the way to get free from that animalistic feeling, so listen and do the same.

Lord Shiva said, whoever observes this divine Pashupat fast will be freed from animality. Apart from all of you, other living beings who will observe my Pashupat fast will also be freed from animalism and the one who will serve me or get me served for 12 years, 6 years or 3 years by following ethical celibacy, will also be freed from animalism. Will be done. In such a situation, when all of you will observe this divine fast, you will be freed from animalism at the same time, there is no doubt about it.

After this, many gods and demons became animals of Lord Shiva and Shiva, who freed them from the bondage of animality, was called Pashupati. Since then, Shiva’s name ‘Pashupati’ became famous in the world.

read this also:Shiv Puran: How Tulsi became Vishnu’s beloved, know the origin story of Tulsi from Shiv Puran.
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