Side effects of contraceptive pills in Hindi for women health tips

Side effects of contraceptive pills : Most women use contraceptive pills to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Using these pills for a long time can also be dangerous. Actually, these pills (Contraceptive Pills) may be helpful in preventing pregnancy, but due to working in a hormonal way, many types of problems can start in women who consume them, so these pills should never be taken without consulting a doctor.

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

1. Heart disease
Some studies have found that contraceptive pills are not good for heart health. They can cause many heart diseases. Blood pressure can also increase. Sometimes the condition can even be life-threatening.

2. Blood clots
Contraceptive pills can cause blood clots. The estrogen found in these pills can increase blood clotting. If a woman consumes them for a long time, then problems can increase. Women who smoke are at a higher risk.

3. Obesity and problems with periods
There are some women who gain weight and obesity after taking these pills. Sometimes, they even face problems during periods. This can cause excessive bleeding. The timing of periods can also change.

4. Risk of cancer
Taking contraceptive pills can greatly increase the risk of uterine, breast and liver cancer, so these pills should never be taken without the advice of a doctor. These can be dangerous.

5. Mental problems
Contraceptive pills can cause not only physical but also mental problems. Due to these, some women may experience problems like mood swings, which can cause many problems in the long run.

Contraceptive pills are more dangerous for these women
1. Contraceptive pills should never be taken during pregnancy.
2. These pills should be avoided after the age of 40.
3. Women who drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes
4. Women suffering from obesity.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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