side effects of jutha khana know health risk in hindi

side effects of jutha khana know health risk in hindi

Disadvantages of eating lies : It is said that eating each other’s leftovers increases love. Often in our homes too, family members share the plate with each other. But do you know that eating leftovers increases love but there is also a risk of increasing many diseases. It can cause serious harm to health (Jutha Khane ke Nuksan). Health experts also advise not to eat someone’s leftovers. They say that this can cause serious harm to health. Let us know what are the disadvantages of eating in the same plate..

fear of infection

When we eat each other’s leftovers from the same plate, there is a risk of spreading infection. If you are eating the leftovers of a person infected with a disease, then it can be dangerous. Infections like cold, flu or gastrointestinal can easily spread by eating in the same utensil. Therefore, one should not eat in the same plate with a sick person even by mistake.

Digestive problems

When you eat food in someone else’s plate, you don’t know whether it is clean or not or how hygienically the person serving the food is using the utensils. This can cause bacteria or viruses to enter the food. Due to lack of cleanliness, germs can enter the stomach, which can cause digestive problems.

Nutrient Deficiency

When we eat food from someone else’s plate, the body does not get the right amount of nutrients. Meaning the body will not get the nutrition that is necessary.

Allergy problems

Eating someone else’s leftovers can spread allergies. Sharing someone else’s plate can also lead to cross contamination, which can cause many problems. You can even fall ill

Be careful while eating food

1. Wash hands thoroughly before eating

2. Do not serve food with hands.

3. If someone is allergic to any food, tell him about it.

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