Side Effects Of Keeping Laptop On Lap

Side Effects Of Keeping Laptop On Lap

Laptop Side Effects : If you work with a laptop on your lap, be careful, because it can cause serious damage to health. According to experts, many people work with a laptop on their lap, which is playing with their health (Laptop Health Side Effects). This can not only cause poor fertility but also problems like insomnia. Due to which many problems can start. Let’s know what dangers can be caused by using a laptop on the lap…

1. Skin can get damaged
The hot air emanating from the laptop is harmful for the skin. This causes the skin to burn, which is called toasted skin syndrome. The heat emanating from the laptop can cause transient red rashes on the skin. A medical report states that if the skin remains in contact with the laptop or such devices for a long time, many problems can occur.

2. Back pain
Most people sit for hours in the wrong posture with the laptop on their lap. This can cause unbearable back pain. This can affect mental health. If you want to avoid this, then from today onwards use the laptop by keeping it on the table only.

3. Poor fertility
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has found in a study that using a laptop on the lap can harm fertility. The hot air emanating from the laptop can reduce sperm count and its quality. This can cause serious problems.

4. Eye strain
If you sit or use a laptop on your lap for a long time, it also affects your eyes. This can cause problems like eye strain, dryness or headache. Sitting with your legs glued to the laptop can cause its radiation to fall directly on your body, which can be dangerous.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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