Sisodia’s new abode: Manish will stay in Tihar Jail Number One, AAP leader’s day will start from 6 am

Manish Sisodia
Photo: File photo


Ex-Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, accused in the excise case, will remain in Jail number one of Tihar. He was brought to jail number one after being sent to judicial custody from the court on Monday. At present, Sisodia has been kept in the cell of jail number one.

Manish Sisodia was brought from the jail van to the Tihar Jail premises at around 3.30 pm on Monday. Under special security, the van was entered into the premises from the gate towards Janakpuri. Two Delhi Police vehicles were running in front and behind the van. Jail sources said that as soon as he reached jail number one, he was first taken to Deodhi. During this, he was watching very seriously all the processes taking place in the jail. Here all the information related to him was entered in the jail register. His photo was also taken here. Along with this, his health was also examined.

After the process of about half an hour here, he was admitted to the jail premises. From there he was taken to a jail cell. Jail official sources say that there is no special facility in his cell. The facilities that other prisoners get, the same facilities have been given to them. CCTV cameras are installed around the cell. He was given a kit as per jail rules in the cell. In which there are things of everyday need. Which consists of brush, paste, bucket mug, towel, soap and some clothes. Jail official sources say that Manish Sisodia will be given all the things which have been ordered by the court. At present, he has not demanded anything in the jail.

The day will start at six in the morning

Jailed Manish Sisodia’s day will start from 6 am. At six in the morning all the prisoners are taken out of the cell. After that the prisoners are counted. At 7:30, the prisoners are given tea and snacks in the jail. Food is served to the prisoners at 11 am. From 12 to 3 o’clock, prisoners are not allowed to leave the barrack, ward or cell except for some urgent work. Once again at 3:30 they are given tea and snacks. After this, dinner is given to the prisoners till half past six. After eating the food, the prisoners are counted once again. According to the jail rules, Manish Sisodia will also live like other prisoners.

Jail number one is known for sports activity

Jail number one of Tihar is known for sports activities and music. Tihar sports festival is organized in this jail. There is a big ground in this jail. No other jail has such a big ground. There is also an open gym in this ground itself. Inmates interested in music practice music in the music studio built here. Along with this, inmates are trained for various professions in this jail.

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