Sister came from abroad took a surprise entry in brother’s wedding, the family danced happily, but took away the limelight of the bride

Sister came from abroad took a surprise entry in brother’s wedding, the family danced happily, but took away the limelight of the bride

If there is a marriage-like atmosphere in the house and you are not able to be a part of it, then the heart is filled with sorrow and its regret remains for the whole life. But many times those people have to face such sorrow who live abroad away from home due to job or studies. Because it is not possible to come suddenly for every work from such a distance. But when someone even after crossing seven seas suddenly knocks on your special occasion, then there is no place for that happiness. One such video is going viral on social media where suddenly a sister from abroad doubled the happiness of the family by taking an entry in her brother’s wedding.

In a video shared on Instagram officialhumansofbombay, a sister was suddenly seen taking a surprise entry from abroad in her brother’s wedding, after which the whole family was elated to see her. At the time of sister’s entry, brother was sitting with his bride in the mandap, leaving everything people started hugging the sister and started paying attention to the bride.

Sister’s surprise entry in brother’s wedding
That video is becoming increasingly viral on social media where a sister made such an entry in her brother’s wedding that the whole family left everything and focused only on the sister. The video is also very emotional. As soon as the daughter was seen, the mother who was present in the mandap for the rituals left everything and started screaming and jumping with joy. Then suddenly the father’s eyes fell on the daughter, then there was no place for the father’s happiness and he ran and hugged the daughter. The marriage was of brother whose sister had gone to UK for job a few days back and it was almost impossible for her to attend the wedding. But Bhai was also her best friend, so this remorse used to haunt her all her life, so she made a surprise entry and made everyone’s day.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Good news, surprise, Wedding Ceremony

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