Sitting for long periods of time is spoiling your posture, so do these 4 exercises

Sitting for long periods of time is spoiling your posture, so do these 4 exercises

In this digital age, where most of our time is spent in front of computer and mobile screens, we hardly realize how our lifestyle is affecting our health. The habit of sitting for long hours in the office or continuously working on the laptop at home not only puts strain on our eyes but is also spoiling the posture of our body. Back and neck pain due to bad posture has become a common problem.

Therefore, it is very important that we take care of our body and correct our sitting posture. We should do some simple but strong exercises in everyday life which will reduce our back and neck pain and keep our body in the right shape. By doing this we can also avoid major diseases. These exercises are so easy that anyone can do them anytime, and it will improve health.

1. Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
This exercise improves the alignment of your body and helps in improving posture. Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your hands upward and inhale while pulling the body upward.

2. Cat-Cow Stretch
This exercise makes your back flexible and improves posture. Come on your hands and knees, then while exhaling, lift your back upwards and while inhaling, bend it downwards.

3. Chest Opener Stretch
It opens your shoulders and chest, which improves your posture. Take your hands backward and interlock them and take a deep breath while opening the chest forward.

4. Plank
Plank strengthens your core muscles, which is essential for good posture. Keep your body straight on the strength of your forearms and legs and remain in this position for at least 30 seconds. Plank is an exercise that gives you many benefits even in just 30 seconds. This exercise should be done slowly and it is very important to do it correctly.

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