Sixth Ocean Cracks are gradually increasing in african continent scientists are predicting creation of the sixth ocean in the world

Sixth Ocean Cracks are gradually increasing in african continent scientists are predicting creation of the sixth ocean in the world

Sixth Ocean: Geologists are now beginning to sense a sixth ocean, and it is expected that the African continent may split into two and form a sixth ocean. The concept of the sixth ocean being formed in Africa is quite interesting, on which scientists are doing research. About 71 percent of the Earth is covered with water and there are a total of five oceans.

Till now there are Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic oceans in the world. According to a report published in Times of India, geologists have claimed that a rare geological event is happening in the African continent, which can lead to the formation of a new ocean. In Africa this process is developing in the Afar Triangle. The Afar Triangle is a geological phenomenon where three tectonic plates – the Nubian, Somali and Arabian plates – meet. It extends from the Afar region to East Africa. Here the crack in the earth is gradually increasing. According to scientists, this is happening due to the gradual separation of tectonic plates and this phenomenon has been happening for millions of years.

35 mile long crack has opened in Ethiopia
This incident came to light in Ethiopia in the year 2005, where scientists clearly found that the earth was dividing into two parts. A 35 mile long crack has opened in the Ethiopian desert. Due to this, scientists have estimated that the African continent may split into two parts and a sixth ocean may be formed in the world. This is a completely natural phenomenon. Scientists believe that similar natural events have occurred millions and millions of years ago during the expansion of the Earth.

the universe is expanding
Geologists estimate that in 5 million to 10 million years, due to tectonics, the African continent will split into two parts, creating a new ocean basin. Such natural phenomena are the subject of scientific research. It is said that this is a part of the Earth’s expansion. Scientists estimate that the very principle of creation depends on expansion. Something similar has been said in the Big Bang theory also.

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