Skin Care Tips These Habits Can Damage Skin Collagen

Skin Care Tips These Habits Can Damage Skin Collagen

Skin Care Advice: Collagen is a protein found in the body. It is found in organs, blood vessels and intestinal lining. Collagen is used to make skin, muscles, bones, tendons and other connective tissues. Our body makes this protein naturally. It can also be obtained from some foods or supplements. But some of our habits can damage the collagen in the skin. This can take away the glow of the skin. That’s why distance should be kept from these habits.

sun exposure

The harmful rays of the sun can be harmful to the skin. If you take sunlight for a long time, then it causes collagen damage in the skin. Therefore, whenever you step out in the sun, keep your skin covered or you can also use sun screen. Due to this, the skin will be saved from damage and the glow of the face will also be maintained.


Nicotine can reduce blood flow to the skin. Due to which you do not get enough oxygen and nutrients in the body. And it damages your skin. Chemicals found in tobacco can destroy collagen. That’s why tobacco should not be consumed. This also causes many other types of problems.

not getting enough vitamin C

Vitamin-C boosts our immunity. Along with this, it is also important for glowing skin. If you do not take enough vitamin C, collagen can be damaged and this affects your skin.

high sugar intake

If you take more sugar, due to this also collagen can be reduced. People who like sugar more and use it more in their food, the signs of aging start showing up quickly. That’s why fruits, vegetables should be included in sufficient quantity in your diet and sugar etc. should be avoided.

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