sleeping in afternoon is beneficial or harmful for health know from experts

sleeping in afternoon is beneficial or harmful for health know from experts

Day Time Sleep : It is natural to feel sleepy after eating in the afternoon. According to health experts, when we eat food in the afternoon, blood circulation in the digestive system increases. Due to this, the blood supply to the brain may decrease. Due to this, there may be problems of sleep and fatigue. It is also said that after eating, the glucose level in the body increases. Due to which one takes more naps. This is a normal process, so there is no need to worry, but if you get into the habit of crying every afternoon, then what effect does it have on your health, let us know…

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Is it good or bad to sleep in the afternoon?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, about one-third of adults in the United States take a nap in the afternoon. Some research suggests that a short nap can help in increasing alertness and productivity. However, if this becomes a habit then it can have negative effects.

What is the effect of sleeping during the day

Harvard Health report states that a short nap or sleep during the day helps in improving memory and also keeps the body active. However, if this becomes a habit then it can cause many losses in the long run. Therefore there is a need to be careful. Researchers say that if you sleep for too long during the day, it can cause serious health problems.

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Should you sleep during the day or not?

Harvard experts say that adults who sleep late during the day have a higher risk of problems like diabetes, heart disease and depression. Sleeping during the day means you are not getting enough sleep at night, which can increase many chronic diseases.

Therefore, get enough sleep at night. Sleeping for too long during the day can disturb the sleeping cycle. Therefore, health experts say that a light nap during the day can be good. One should never sleep for more than 20-30 minutes during the day. Otherwise loss may occur.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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