sleeping with a mobile phone near your head can cause a number of health issues

sleeping with a mobile phone near your head can cause a number of health issues

While sleeping at night, most people keep their phones near their pillow, which has a bad effect on their health. If you also do something like this, then change your habit from today itself, because it can prove to be very dangerous for your health. Some people are such fans of mobile that even if they wake up at night, they start checking their phones. Some people keep their phones with them because of the alarm, but do you know that it is very harmful. Today we will tell you in detail what are the disadvantages of this?

Is mobile phone very harmful for health?

The radiation present in mobile phones is very dangerous for health. Radiation emitted from mobile phones is linked to erectile dysfunction. The blue light emitted from mobile phones can cause sleeplessness and many hormonal changes.

There may be health related problems

Mobile phones can cause health problems such as headaches and muscle pain. According to the World Health Organization, the radiation emitted from the phone has a serious effect on the brain. Due to this, the risk of cancer also increases significantly. There are many people who suffer from headaches, irritation and eye pain due to excessive use of mobile phones.

How far should you keep your mobile phone while sleeping?

Mobile emits radiation, so try to keep it away from you while sleeping. Radiation from mobile is associated with erectile dysfunction. Mobile phone emits bright blue light. If you want to quit mobile phone addiction then put it on silent mode and keep it away. Start reading a book instead.

To get rid of mobile addiction, follow these steps

Keep some places mobile free

Keep some places in the house like dining table and bedroom free from mobile. This will prevent children from using mobile phones at those places.

Do a digital detox

Decide a day every week when everyone keeps their mobiles and TVs off. This will not only keep the children away from mobiles, but will also give you all a chance to spend time together. This will lead to better communication and stronger relationships in the family. Children will also get a good break from this habit.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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