Smallest cow Punganur breed of cow is the smallest cow in the world

Smallest cow Punganur breed of cow is the smallest cow in the world

Smallest cow: There are 50 indigenous breeds of cows in the country, which have their own specialty. Punganur cow is included in these, which is famous worldwide for its small stature. According to reports, this is the smallest cow in the world, which is now on the verge of extinction. Today, its conservation work is going on in Andhra Pradesh. People from every corner of the country not only come to see this cow, but also buy it. Let us tell you that this cow is small in appearance, but its qualities are quite different from other breeds. The milk of this breed of cow is also very good. Due to its small stature, it is also easy to maintain. Let us know about this cow in detail.

Punganur cow found in Andhra Pradesh

The Punganur cow, an Indian breed on the verge of extinction, originally belongs to Andhra Pradesh. Here in Lingampatti village of East Godavari district, Punganur cows are being protected and nurtured in a 4-acre cowshed. Today, there are about 300 Punganur cows in this cowshed. The owner of this cowshed, Krishnam Raju, bought the Punganur cow 15 years ago. He also got it artificially inseminated at a government farm in Guntur, after which their number also increased. Krishnam Raju says that the smaller the Punganur cow, the higher its price. Usually a pair of Punganur cows is sold for Rs 1 lakh to Rs 25 lakh.

Its milk is very beneficial
Let us tell you that the Punganur cow is native to South India. It is found in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. This cow is named after the Punganur place here. The milk of this cow is rich in medicinal properties along with 8% fat, whereas normal cow milk contains only 3 to 3.5 percent fat. The small-sized Punganur cow gives 3 to 5 liters of milk daily, in return for which only 5 kg of fodder has to be given. This breed is also drought resistant, due to which it is suitable for many areas of South India as well as Delhi, UP, Bihar, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

Rishis and sages also used to raise Punganur
According to reports, the Punganur cow of Indian breed is an ancient breed, which was also reared by sages. Punganur cow is also easy to take care of. This cow does not eat much fodder and its milk is good for health. When the trend of foreign breeds started increasing in the country, Punganur cow also started becoming extinct. According to research, Punganur cow is not the only small breed cow, but Kerala’s Vechur cow is also included in the list of miniature cows. The length of Vechur cow is only 3 to 4 feet, but the length of Punganur cow is even less than this. Punganur cows of 1 to 2 feet length are also present in Andhra Pradesh.

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