Solar eclipse 2024 Giraffes start running away bears become lethargic this is the effect of solar eclipse on animals

Solar eclipse 2024 Giraffes start running away bears become lethargic this is the effect of solar eclipse on animals

The first solar eclipse of the year 2024 will take place tonight at 09:12. However, it will not be seen in India. But its effect will be on the entire earth. Let us tell you today in this article what kind of effect a solar eclipse has on animals. Along with this, we will understand what kind of changes take place in them when the solar eclipse occurs.

Research was done a hundred years ago

According to a BBC report, about 100 years ago, an entomologist named William Wheeler, resident of New England, did a research on this. During the solar eclipse, he tried to see what kind of effect this eclipse has on different animals. For this he had given advertisement in newspapers in 1932. Let us know what effect it had on which animal.

What effect was there on which animal?

According to reports, as soon as the eclipse occurred and it became dark, the owls started making noise. The bees started returning to their hive. 500 stories related to the behavior of different animals came to light from this research. Apart from this, there were also stories related to trees, plants and birds.

Research was done again in 2017

Another similar research was done in the year 2017. During this period, there was a solar eclipse for about 2 minutes and 42 seconds. However, this time the results were very different from the previous ones. Scientists found that as soon as the eclipse occurred, the giraffes became nervous and started running here and there. Whereas, the turtles started mating with their partners. The bees stopped buzzing. Whereas the bears became completely calm during this eclipse. At the time of eclipse, they started relaxing, while one bear bowed its head as if it had nothing to do with it. If we talk about birds that hunt at night, a lot of movement was seen among them during the eclipse.

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