Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

Sometimes why body parts are not in their place Know that case what is the harm caused by this

All people’s body parts are usually in a fixed order and position. Like all the eyes, nose, ears, heart, kidneys are all in one place. But sometimes such cases also come up when the body parts of a person are in other places. Do you know what problem is caused when the body parts of a person are in another place? Today we will tell you what kind of problem is caused when the body parts are in another place.

body parts

A human being can never see inside himself which part of the body is at which place. But he definitely knows which organ is functioning at which place. For example, any person suffering from appendicitis or gallstones will tell you exactly where he is getting pain. However, sometimes the organ reaches the wrong part of the body.

When the organ is relocated

Dextrocardia is a similar condition. The heart is slightly displaced. This is known as levocardia. It is twisted to the right instead of the left. Although this is a rare occurrence, around one in 12,000 people are born with it. Where this occurs in the absence of any other abnormality, people with the condition lead normal lives, the only symptom being that there will be a different readout on an ECG test.

Apart from this, in some people all the organs of the stomach and chest can turn in the opposite direction, this is known in science as situs inversus totalis. Singers Donny Osmond and Enrique Iglesias also have this condition, as does actress Catherine O’Hara. Osmond’s condition was discovered when her appendicitis was overlooked, because she experienced pain on the left side which is usually felt on the right side.

What changes happen in the body

According to information, when the body parts change their position at birth, those persons do not face much problems. Yes, it is true that the pain is in the other direction, due to which the doctor and the person sometimes come to know about serious diseases late. In some cases, it has been seen that the person sometimes feels some changes in the body, but usually there is no major problem in the body. However, the medical report is investigated seriously.

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