Son was driving mobile at 1 in the night, father caught him from under the blanket, next 17 hours the innocent faced hell

Son was driving mobile at 1 in the night, father caught him from under the blanket, next 17 hours the innocent faced hell

Parents always think about the welfare of the children. If the children are going on the wrong path, then the parents wisely show them the right path. But some parents become over strict. This is not at all right for the growth of children. It leaves a negative impact on children. The news of such a father of China was shared on social media, after knowing which you will be forced to think why this father did such a brutal act?

According to the information, the matter is related to Shenzhen city of Guangdong province of China. A person living here caught his son playing a game on mobile in the middle of the night. After this the father decided to punish the son to teach him a lesson. Punishment is also not like that. This monster father gave a very painful punishment to his son. The father fed the game to the son for 17 consecutive hours. During this the father let the son sleep. No, gave him something to eat.

fainted while playing
The video of this painful punishment also surfaced in the Chinese media. The child whom the father punished was only 11 years old. It happened that the father had made some rules regarding screen time. Now that there are children, they will make mistakes. This child also made a mistake. Breaking the rule made by his father, he started playing games on mobile at one o’clock in the night. But his father’s eyes went on it. After being caught, the father made him play the game continuously for 17 hours. During this he fainted and fell down. But his father did not take pity.

the father justified himself
The child had written about this incident in his notebook. She told how her father made her play video games till she was nauseous. However, the child’s father also clarified about his punishment on social media. He said that this punishment had to be given to get rid of mobile addiction from his son. Along with this, he told that if the parents have to become bad for the good of the child, then there is nothing wrong in that too. That’s what he did and he doesn’t regret it.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, OMG, Weird news

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