Sonbhadra News a bride returned wedding procession after touching groom’s feet police registered case ann | UP News: The bride touched the groom’s feet and then broke the marriage, the wedding guests were stunned, know

Sonbhadra News a bride returned wedding procession after touching groom’s feet police registered case ann |  UP News: The bride touched the groom’s feet and then broke the marriage, the wedding guests were stunned, know

Sonbhadra News: A wedding procession with musical instruments had come from Chandauli district to a village in Duddhi Kotwali area of ​​Sonbhadra district of Uttar Pradesh. Almost all the marriage rituals had been completed. As soon as the bride touched the groom’s feet after donating vermilion in the morning, the bride saw that the groom was disabled from his toes. Seeing this, the girl immediately refused to go with the groom, ignoring the ritual performed with the groom.

The groom Sarvesh, who arrived with the wedding procession from Devduttpur village of Chandauli, clarified that he is not disabled but when the girl’s side did not agree, the matter was reported on dial 112. The police reached the spot, investigated the matter and pacified both the parties. However, clarification was being given from both sides. Meanwhile, the SI of Kotwali Police explained to the girl’s father and the boy’s father and asked both the parties to come to the Kotwali on Sunday. Along with this, the police has asked the wedding procession including the groom to go back to Chandauli peacefully.

Both sides presented their side before the police
The girl’s family members told that more than Rs 5 lakh has been spent on this marriage, and after this such a big fraud is coming to light. The boy with whom my daughter was getting married. He is disabled from the fingers and toes. The marriage was being done by hiding this fact from the boy’s side, which is totally wrong. The girl’s side said that we will not bid farewell to the girl and we also do not accept this marriage, the boy who was shown during the security is not the same boy who has come as a groom to get married. It was said by the boy’s side that whatever expenses I have incurred in the marriage will have to be paid to the girl’s side because the marriage is not being broken by me.

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