SOS Emergency: Why is SOS used in case of emergency, what is the meaning of this word?

 In case of emergency from phone to road, you must have read one word SOS. But do you know what this word means? After all, why is this word used in case of emergency? Today we will tell you the reason behind this. 

Meaning of SOS

Let us tell you that according to the report of Mental Floss website, SOS is a type of distress. There is signal. According to the information, in earlier times it was believed that its full form was Save R Soul or Save R Ship. But actually it was a sign of Morse code. Morse code is a type of communication process, in which letters are sent through messages with the help of dots or dashes. It consists of three dots, three dashes and three dots (…—…). In International Morse Code, three dots mean S, apart from this, three dashes mean O, hence this Morse code is called SOS. 

How was SOS formed?

The question is how SOS was created. Let us tell you that in the 20th century, when wireless radio telegraph machines started being installed on ships, sailors needed such signals. So that he can ask for help in case of danger. During this time, they needed a special signal through which they could appeal for help in a clear and easy way. At that time, different organizations used different methods of messaging. Just as the US Navy used NC, the Marconi company used CQD. But the German Regulations for the Control of Spark Telegraphy in 1905 made it a rule that all German operators would use (…—…).

How did this code come into effect 

Let us tell you that due to distress calls, there was a problem in asking for help and it could also be dangerous. This is because many times the sailors were in foreign waters and it became difficult to inform the operator of the other country about the problem. For this reason, in 1906, the International Wireless Telegraph Convention called a meeting in Berlin and started an international standard distress call. The German distress call (…—…) was considered simple and hence this message was chosen on 1 July 1908. Nowadays, instead of Morse code, people use it by writing or speaking SOS.

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