Special Tilkut, crunchy for children… soft for the elderly, demand from Saudi to America

Special Tilkut, crunchy for children… soft for the elderly, demand from Saudi to America

Shashikant Ojha/Palamu. Tilakut shops have been decorated in the market for Makar Sankranti. People are getting the aroma of jaggery everywhere. There is a special specialty in Tilakut of different shops. But, do you know how these Tilkuts are prepared? How much time does it take to prepare Tilkut and how many people work together to prepare it?

Suraj Tilkut Bhandar of Palamu is world famous. In this shop, artisans from Bihar have been preparing Tilkut for 25 years, which people find very tasty. Shop operator Suraj Kumar says that the demand for his Tilakut extends to Saudi Arabia and America. From here people take Tilkut and send it to their relatives living abroad. The specialty of our Tilkut is that it is completely soft and crunchy. Even elderly people eat it easily. He said that his shop is 30 years old.

It takes one hour to prepare Tilkut
Artisan Rampravesh Yadav told that he is a resident of Gaya, Bihar. Working in this shop of Palamu for 25 years. To make Tilkut, Tilkut is made from jaggery prepared in Palamu itself, which people find very tasty. It takes an hour to prepare a Tilkut, which starts with the syrup.

This is how Tilkut is prepared
For syrup, jaggery is heated with water at one temperature. It takes 35 to 40 minutes to make the syrup. After this it is kept in a vessel to cool down. After cooling, the syrup is mixed by hanging it on a nail. After this it is mixed with roasted sesame seeds in the pan. Balls of 35 to 40 grams are pounded. Only then Tilkut is ready. Similarly, sugar tilkuts are also prepared. 6 to 7 people work hard to prepare Tilkut.

Prepare 60 to 70 kg of Tilkut daily
Told that due to high price of sesame seeds this year, the price of Tilkut has also increased. Last year the rate was Rs 280 per kg. This time the rate of Tilkut made of sugar and jaggery is Rs 340 per kg. Depending on the season, 60 to 70 kg of Tilkut is prepared every day. For this, 6 to 7 people work together for 12 hours. This shop remains open from 7 am to 9 pm. For more information contact 9934367915.

Tags: food 18, Local18, Makar Sankranti, palamu news

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