Stem cell therapy shows promise at treating holes in retina

Stem cell therapy shows promise at treating holes in retina

Stem cell therapy for treating holes in retina: Eye related diseases become the cause of major problems. Treatment of some eye related problems is still difficult, especially problems related to the retina. One such problem is holes in the retina or macular hole. In this, a hole is formed in the middle of the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is made up of light-sensitive tissues and helps the eye to see.

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The macula is in the middle of the retina. If there is a hole in the macula, there can be a change in the ability to see, which can cause problems in routine work. Recently, a research conducted in Japan has succeeded in transplanting human stem cells to close the hole in the retina of monkeys. Due to this, new possibilities have started appearing in the direction of treatment of holes in retina. Let us know what is macular hole, the problems caused by this disease and the possibilities of its treatment…

What is a macular hole?

Research in Japan

According to Dr. Michiko Mandai, who was associated with the research conducted at Kobe City Eye Hospital in Japan, according to the research results, this method can become a practical, safe and effective treatment option with minimal risk for difficult macular hole cases. Despite success in closing more than 90% of macular holes in the treatment of macular holes over the past decade, challenges remain in some cases.

Retinal transplants make its treatment possible but they do little to improve vision. In this new research published in the journal Stem Cell Reports, retinal tissues derived from human stem cells were successfully transplanted to close the hole in the monkey’s retina.

Retinal cells developed to detect the light needed for clear vision. The researchers also saw improvements in the monkeys’ reactions to light and eye stability. With these riches, new possibilities are visible in the future for the treatment of hole in retina disease.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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