Stem Planting Extremely Important To Be Careful When Planting The Stem

Stem Planting Extremely Important To Be Careful When Planting The Stem

Stem Planting In Delhi: Generally sowing of a plant or tree is done in two ways. They are sown in the field or some land by planting seeds or by cutting twigs. Sowing with seed in the field, house or courtyard does not require as much effort as it takes to sow with a twig. But today we try to know what precautions need to be taken while growing a plant from a tree branch. Let us take the example of the sycamore tree in this whole process.

wait for the right weather

It is also necessary to wait for the right weather for sowing a tree or plant. For example, sowing of hibiscus is best in the summer season. Sycamore is growing rapidly in summer. During this, by taking a branch, the branch grows rapidly.

green stem branch view

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While selecting the branch, it is important to keep in mind that the branch should be green. She’s a smooth, green goth. It should be smooth, dark in appearance. Although cuttings of light brown or dark green stem can also be taken. But they have to be planted in topsoil.

Cut a branch six to 10 inches long

The branch you are cutting. See that it is green. Use pruning shears for sharp cutting edge. Cut a branch of 6 to 10 inches or a little more length. Cut it and keep it in a box comfortably. Avoid cutting more than one branch. This will harm the parent tree. Cutting more branches will affect the growth of the parent tree. That’s why don’t take more than six, seven cuttings. After taking the cutting, clean the branch properly. Do not get rusted. Take special care of this.

remove leaves like this

Take special care of one thing while cutting. Leave only four to six leaves on the branch. If this happens, the oxygen level of the twig will be better. If the leaves are long, cut them in half horizontally to prevent wilting. Cut the leaves, don’t pull them at all. This can damage the fibers of the stem of the leaves. This can cause problems in their growth.

use rooting hormone

Dip the tip of the stem in rooting hormone. Actually, rooting hormone is powder or liquid. This encourages the stem to grow new roots. Many gardeners use honey in this process. Do not touch the tip of the cutting directly with your hand. This may affect the growth of the stem.

Place in water to monitor growth

If you want to monitor the growth of the stem, keep the cutting in water. Using hot water, put a drop of hydrogen peroxide in it. Here it is important to keep in mind that the leaves should not touch the water. Change the water in a week. Take the cutting out of the water. Add new water in its place. After about a week, white bumps will start appearing. After four weeks, the roots will also start appearing. Tap water can also be used in this process. Do not use water softener in it. Hibiscus does not grow well in softened water.

sow like this

Later start the process of sowing the twig. Fill a container with topsoil and use a wooden object to make holes for the cuttings. Gently place the cutting in the hole. Press the soil around it. Keep one thing in mind, don’t put the branch in the soil without piercing it at all. Do not force the branch to be pressed into the soil. This can cause problems in routing hormones. Then press the surrounding soil with your fingers.

do not expose to direct sunlight

Avoid keeping the twig in direct sunlight. Cover it with clear transparent plastic. Keep the plastic slightly open at the bottom. If you are not able to do this, then cut a little from the top and make arrangements for air to pass through to the branch. To keep the soil moist, keep giving little water to the planted cutting every day. Also keep in mind that the water should not be excessive. If this happens, rot may occur in the roots of the plants. For this remove the plastic bag. Keep the container in such a place where there is less sunlight.

Wait for rooting for 2 to 3 months

Wait for two to three months for the cuttings to take root. When the roots are hard enough to transplant to a larger area, new leaves will start to appear on the top of the stem. In this condition, take out the branch comfortably and sow it at another place. After this, keep monitoring the branch continuously.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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