‘Stop talking about aliens’, Scientist advised, doing so would be dangerous for society

‘Stop talking about aliens’, Scientist advised, doing so would be dangerous for society

Aliens or UFOs have been a subject of fascination for humans since the beginning. People always want to know whether life exists elsewhere in the universe or not. People claim to have seen UFOs in the sky, and some so-called experts also say that the US government is hiding evidence that aliens have visited us. Scientists have also been making many claims about aliens. But can talking about aliens create any problems? Tony Milligan, a philosophy researcher and education expert, has advised that this should not be done.

New research suggests that too much talk about aliens is creating a “widespread societal problem.” Tony Milligan, a research associate in the philosophy of morality at King’s College London, wrote for The Conversation: “This belief is a bit paradoxical because we have no evidence that aliens even exist.”

He said it seems absurd to think that aliens would visit us. He added, “Also, given the vast distances between star systems, it seems strange that we would only be able to know about them from a visit. Evidence of aliens is more likely to come from signals from distant planets.”

Experts say that incidents of UFO sightings and legal cases have caused the most damage. (Symbolic picture: Canva)

Milligan says “alarming” statistics suggest that about a quarter of Americans believe they have seen a UFO. He believes recent federal hearings on such a case are further fuelling conspiracy theories and could prove dangerous to democratic institutions.

Notably, Lewis also said that the US government has known about their existence for years and is hiding the extraterrestrial vehicles. Before the UAP commission, a 2019 Gallup poll showed that 68 percent of people believe that “the US government knows more about UFOs than it is letting on.” He said that the constant discussion on aliens could also derail real efforts to search for extraterrestrial life.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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