Strange marks seen in the ceiling of the bedroom, the woman got scared after seeing this, when the reality came out, she lost her senses

Strange marks seen in the ceiling of the bedroom, the woman got scared after seeing this, when the reality came out, she lost her senses

Every day, if you suddenly see something in the house where you live, which you have never seen before, then you will definitely feel scared. Something similar happens with a woman. She was cleaning the house when she noticed strange marks on the bedroom ceiling. She got scared after seeing this. By posting its picture on social media, people wanted to know what this is? But when the reality came out, I was shocked.

According to the Metro report, a woman from Britain shared this picture on the social media platform Reddit. Many black marks are visible on the roof in the picture. At first he thought maybe it was mold. Because mold is common in Britain during the colder months. People often find it difficult to keep their homes well ventilated and warm; The woman first asked the tenants living on her roof whether there was dampness coming anywhere. When he told that there is no way for water to come here, the woman got scared.

Posted the picture and asked people
After this the woman posted the picture on social media and asked people. Wrote, I am a tenant so I cannot do any damage to the roof. The people living above my room also claim that their floor is not wet. He never saw water entering. Where did they come from after all? Some people said that perhaps this might have happened because of ceiling paint.

Deadly infection can spread
But most people rejected it. Some claimed that perhaps the rats might have urinated. Because of this it might have leaked. Many such posts have been seen on social media. After this the woman said, yes my son has felt the smell in this area. It smells just like rats’ urine. Later the woman came to know that it was actually rats’ urine. This can cause a serious infection called leptospirosis. If there is a scratch somewhere on your hands or feet, and it comes in contact, a rare infection can occur. Due to which life can be lost.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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