Strange sounds were coming from the other side of the lake, people got scared after hearing them, kept guard in the village all night long

Strange sounds were coming from the other side of the lake, people got scared after hearing them, kept guard in the village all night long

There are many mysterious places on earth, where no one lives. But sometimes such sounds come from there, which indicate that someone or the other is there. Because sounds cannot come without someone’s presence. Be it an animal or a human being. Recently something similar was felt in South Downs, England. There is a lake there, where fishermen often go for fishing. But one day he heard strange sounds. At first they thought it might be some animal. But when they came closer, the sound was so terrible that they got scared after hearing it. The fear is so great that people are keeping guard in the village throughout the night.

According to the Metro report, there is a village near the South Downs National Park, in which hundreds of people live. Fishing is their main occupation in the lake here. But recently these people heard strange sounds on the other side of the lake. According to them, there is a ‘Bigfoot’ primitive man who growls. Makes strange sounds. He is patrolling this area day and night. People said that if any human being went there it would kill. The fear is so much that people are not able to sleep. They fear that this primitive man might attack them.

something strange there
This claim of the fishermen spread rapidly on social media. When a paranormal investigation group came to know about this through Facebook, they tried to investigate. Said, we also saw something strange. This sound is so loud that people have to walk with sticks. The people here are very scared. Group member Mike Brown wrote, I was feeling incredibly excited. Honestly, it was a feeling I had never experienced. There is something out there that is watching all of us. She doesn’t want us to go close to her. Either it is an animal, or something else. Who is continuously patrolling this area. Mike said, the height of this hill is so high that no common man can easily climb it.

this place is quite scary
Mike said, I think no one would want to go to this area in the dark, because this place is quite scary. But it is dangerous to try to go here even in daylight. Even if you search there with a torch, it will not be visible, but you are always at risk of being attacked. I hope that I will never hear the voices I heard there again. Perhaps these could be ‘cryptids’. ‘Cryptids’ refers to animals that are believed to possibly exist somewhere in the wild, but whose existence has not yet been proven. You can call them Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, whatever. Let us tell you that in Devon, last month, strange footprints were seen on a large scale on a coastal path, which shocked the local people.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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