Stranger boy-girl remained locked in a room for 10 days, then could not tolerate the separation …

Stranger boy-girl remained locked in a room for 10 days, then could not tolerate the separation …

Couple Married After Living 10 Days Together: We must have read and heard many stories of love. Somewhere two people fall in love at a glance, and somewhere even after living together for years, they do not realize their feelings. However, there are some people who feel their love with their soul and then associate with their partner for a lifetime. The story of one such couple is going viral at the moment.

This is a unique love story from China, where the boy and the girl did not even know each other before and the boy went to meet the girl on a blind date. The circumstances became such that they stayed together for 10 days and then could not separate. The identity of this couple has not been disclosed, but they are residents of Shenzhen Province. They had met each other casually in August, but had no idea that they would fall in love so soon.

boy and girl locked in a room
The couple met in August, when the boy had reached the girl’s house for a blind date. At that time, the cases of corona had increased in China, in such a situation, the couple had to stay quarantined in the same flat for 10 days. During this, he also made many videos. He was looking very happy in these videos. The boy also used to cook food and both used to work together. It was difficult when their period ended and they had to separate. The couple also wanted to have a long distance relationship, but the intensity of love was such that the girl could not tolerate the distance.

The boy had come to meet the girl on a blind date. (Credit – Weibo)

Got married on 26 December
The girl came to Shenzhen and started living with the boy and finally on 26 December they got married at the registry office. Their story is becoming very viral on social media and they are calling it a pair made by destiny. Users have described their love and this story as wonderful. At the same time, many users have also called it a love story with lockdown.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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