Street Food: Ice gola in 5 flavors is available here in Bokaro, school children have special choice

Street Food: Ice gola in 5 flavors is available here in Bokaro, school children have special choice

Kailash Kumar / Bokaro. In Bokaro of Jharkhand, people are troubled by the rising heat and the heat of the sun. In the afternoon, the temperature here is reaching 40 degrees, in such a situation, the heat is troubling the people who go out of the house. People are taking various measures to keep themselves cool. He is consuming a lot of soft drinks.

In front of DAV Public School Mod, Sector 4 of Bokaro, there is a crowd of people eating Ice Cola at Bhola ji’s cart. Ice gola is available in different flavors like rose, black sour, cola, orange, raw mango, strawberry etc. People eat (sip) it with great fervor. Bhola ji has been making Ice Gola here for the last 10 years. He told that for Ice Gola, he prepares ice from filtered water. They have Ice Gola available in three rates. According to the size, they sell Ice Gola for 20, 40 and 60 rupees. Daily sales of more than 200 pieces. His shop remains open everyday from 11 am to 5 pm.

Aditya, a Class 6 student of DAV Public School, who was sipping Gola here, told that he feels very good after eating Gola. Black sour flavor is his favourite. At the same time, Aparna Sen, a first class student, told that she likes orange flavored ice gola very much, because orange test comes in it.

Tags: Bokaro News, heat waves, Jharkhand news, street food

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