Striped shirts, jeans and boots! The bride and groom worn strange clothes, married in library

Striped shirts, jeans and boots! The bride and groom worn strange clothes, married in library

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22 -year -old Amy Baron married 24 -year -old Hunter on 26 January 2025. The marriage of both was so common that it became special. Couple was married in a public library in West Virginia. Couple should keep their wedding expenses low …Read more

The couple wanted to get married in a simple manner, because of this they wore ordinary clothes. (Photo: Instagram/Amiebarron126)

People often spend a lot in marriage. Lakhs of rupees are spent only in booking, decorations and food. People who want to marry in a plain manner, people either consider them poor, or fools. One such is happening with one American couple. The couple dressed very strange at their wedding. He appeared in striped shirts, jeans and boots. He also married in a library. Ever since photos and videos of their wedding have gone viral, people are making fun of him.

Bride Grom Wear Shirt Jeans Boots in Wedding

Couple spent just $ 1000 on marriage. (Photo: Instagram/Amiebarron126)

According to the New York Post report, 22 -year -old Amy Baron married 24 -year -old Hunter on 26 January 2025. The marriage of both was so common that it became special. Couple was married in a public library in West Virginia. The couple wanted to keep their wedding expenses low, they had decided that they would spend only 1000 dollars (86 thousand rupees) on marriage. Because of this, he saved from clothes to other things as well.

Bride Grom Wear Shirt Jeans Boots in Wedding

He saved about 10 thousand dollars, which he will spend on his honeymoon. (Photo: Instagram/Amiebarron126)

Shirt and jeans worn at wedding
Instead of traditional wedding clothes, she wore shirts, jeans and boots. Because of this, their dress was also matching each other. Out of his $ 1000 budget, he bought the Kau Boy Boot for $ 300. Book photographer for $ 480 who took the wedding photos. The bride made her hair with her and also arranged music-food on her own.

Save 8 lakh rupees
About 20 guests were involved in the wedding. He believes that in this way he saved about 10 thousand dollars (8.6 lakh rupees). They will spend these rupees on their honeymoon which will be about 2 weeks. On the one hand, while the couple was getting happiness by spending less, on the other hand people started being surprised about their strange marriage and they started trolling the couple. Many people said on his viral video that it is taking everyday day, marriage is special, they should have spent the clothes.


Striped shirts, jeans and boots! The bride and groom wore strange clothes

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