Study gave a strange theory, neither the universe nor we humans should have existed, scientists explained how

Study gave a strange theory, neither the universe nor we humans should have existed, scientists explained how

Many times scientists present such theories or research results which are hard to believe. According to the new study, the new theory says that the universe should not exist and neither should we. In the argument of their results, they have said that according to the conditions that existed at the time of the Big Bang, the universe should have destroyed itself completely! In the study, scientists have made an interesting revelation as to why all this can be true?

In their quest to understand how everything came into existence, many scientific models have been created. They are based on signs and clues found in the universe and human understanding. It is all maths and physics and will continue to evolve as new parts are added to it.

But a study has challenged many such models, saying that if most of them were true, the universe should have been destroyed long ago. Their research is based on primordial or primitive black holes and the Higgs boson particle. Why do we exist? The answer can largely be attributed to the existence of the “Higgs field”. Like electricity or magnetism, this field gives mass (material form) to everything.

Scientists say that just after the Big Bang, the conditions were such that nothing could have been formed. (Symbolic picture: Shutterstock)

So if it didn’t exist, we wouldn’t exist either. But, experts say it is not at its “lowest possible energy state”, and if it drops to its lowest point “it would dramatically change the laws of physics.”

Lucien Hertier, a researcher on the study, discusses this in an article for The Conversation. According to the article, if the “Higgs field” is in such a state, then small “bubbles” of space will be formed which will not be according to the current laws of physics. “In such a bubble, the mass of electrons will change abruptly, and so will its interaction with other particles.

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Primordial or primitive black holes were formed within a second after the Big Bang and are believed to have evaporated and blown away on their own. But according to Hertier and his team, they must have had a huge impact on the Higgs field. Because of them, there must have been small bubbles everywhere and in such a situation nothing could have been formed.

So if all the existing models are true, the universe will destroy itself. Then how did everything arise? The study says there are two reasons. First, that all the models are wrong and primordial black holes never existed, because we know the Higgs field exists. The second reason is that maybe physics is missing something and humans may still not understand how the Higgs field works.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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