Icy water swimming boast immunity: Swimming in cold water is not just an adventure sports or hobby, but it is also very beneficial for health. Recent research has shown that swimming in cold water strengthens the immunity system of the body and increases the ability to fight all kinds of diseases. In this article, we will know how to strengthen the immune system by swimming in cold water, its other health benefits, and what precautions should be taken care of.
How does the immune system strengthen by swimming in cold water?
The number of white blood cells (WBC) increases
By swimming in cold water, the body has to work hard to avoid cold, which makes white blood cells (WBC) more active. These sales help fight viruses and bacteria.
Blood circulation improves
By swimming in cold water, the blood vessels of the body spread again, which improves blood circulation. It increases the supply of oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body, which strengthens the immune system.
Body Anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects increase in
Swimming in cold water reduces oxidative stress in the body and active inflammation elements, which makes the immune system better.
Stress hormone levels decreases
Excessive stress can weaken the immune system. Swimming in cold water reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and calms the body, causing the immune system to remain strong.
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What do scientists say
Some US researchers studied mice for the benefits of swimming. He found that swimming helped to generate new brain cells to those parts of the brain, where the stress led to the sale of sales. He named this process as Hippocampal Neurogenesis. However, the conclusion of this research failed to tell how effective it is for humans.
Many health benefits swim in cold water
Beneficial for heart health
Metabolism boosts
Relieves stress swims
Mantle health improves
Muscles and joint pens work.
Cold water naturally helps reduce inflammation, which relieves joints and muscle pain.
Precautions while floating in cold water
Gradually become favorable: Do not suddenly jump into cold water, start with water with normal temperature first.
Avoid excessive cold: Staying in cold water for a long time can cause hypothermia.
Understand the body’s response: If there are more health or difficulty in breathing, then get out immediately.
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