Switching Off CCTV At Four Examination Centers Was Caught From The Command Room Of Up Board Examination – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Switching Off CCTV At Four Examination Centers Was Caught From The Command Room Of Up Board Examination – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

Teachers and staff posted at the control room. (file photo)


There are instructions in Etah to make the UP Board exams cheating-free. The rooms including the strong rooms built at the board examination centers are being monitored through CCTV cameras. Cameras were found switched off at four centers on Wednesday. DIOS has issued notices to everyone on this.

DIOS Chandrakesh Singh said that the rooms including the strong rooms at the centers are being monitored from the monitoring room set up in GIC. Apart from this, monitoring is also being done from the monitoring room of the Education Council. On Wednesday afternoon, the camera of Janata Inter College Person 2.40, BDRS Inter College Raja Rampur was found offline at 4 pm, Bharatiya Adarsh ​​Inter College Vasundhara’s camera was found offline at 4 pm and DAV Inter College Aliganj’s camera was found offline at 3:32 pm. Notice has been issued to all four center administrators on this. He has instructed that the camera should not be switched off under any circumstances.

Monitoring room came into action after receiving call from Education Council

If sources are to be believed, notices were given when the cameras of the centers were switched off. This notice was given after instructions from the monitoring room in the Education Council. It was told that the cameras were found switched off, but no information was given from the monitoring room at the headquarters. After this the administration of the headquarters came into action.

Four GB data plan instructions

DIOS has instructed all the center administrators to get a plan of four GB data per day for internet connectivity. Due to which the cameras at the centers will remain online. There will be no offline problem.

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