symbols on dollar pyramid and an eye on the dollar meaning eye of providence

symbols on dollar pyramid and an eye on the dollar meaning eye of providence

Eye of providence: Dollar is the national currency of the United States of America, which is also considered the most powerful currency in the world. The reason is that most of the global trade is done through this medium. If you look carefully at the American dollar, you can see a pyramid and an eye inside it. Do you know what it means? Let us give you this information today in this news.

Eye of Providence keeps an eye on everything

The pyramid on the dollar and the eye inside it are called the Eye of Providence. It is a symbol of Christianity. It is considered to be the eye of Almighty God. It is believed that the Eye of Providence keeps an eye on everything. That means God is watching everything.

The symbol of the Eye of Providence has been used since ancient times. It also means divine guidance from God. This symbol is so popular that it is used on official seals in many different cities of the country.

eye of horus

However, many historians believe that this symbol is not associated with Christianity, rather it is associated with the Eye of Horus in ancient Egypt, which is called the Symbol of Healing, Protection, Health. Horus is said to be the son of the ancient Egyptian goddesses Isis and Osiris, who was murdered by his uncle Set for the throne. Set is also considered the God of Violence.

After killing Horus, Set took out one of his eyes, divided it into six pieces and threw it away. Later recovered by the God of Magic Thoth and named after the goddess Wadjet, a symbol of health and wholeness. The Eye of Horus is also seen as a form of protection. It is believed that it removes evil and misfortune. In this way the concept of Eye of Horus is very famous all over the world.

Not only this, MDCCLXXVI is written at the bottom of the pyramid made of dollars. This is a Roman numeral which means number 1776 i.e. the day America declared its independence.

Also read: Why do most ATMs and credit cards have a flying pigeon sticker?

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