symptoms of diabetes are easily visible at night know about full details

symptoms of diabetes are easily visible at night know about full details

Diabetic patients do not show any symptoms initially. But many small signs are visible. Often people ignore these signs considering them normal. Symptoms of diabetes are easily visible at night. People generally consider it quite normal. Diabetes is a serious and incurable disease which is mainly caused by unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits.

This serious condition can be controlled by managing blood sugar level. This happens when insulin is not produced in the body. Diabetic patients do not show any symptoms initially, but many small signs are visible. Often people ignore these signs considering them normal. Let us tell you, its symptoms are easily visible at night. Which people generally consider quite normal. So let us know what symptoms appear at night when blood sugar increases.

These symptoms start appearing in the body at night:

Tingling in feet: If you suddenly feel a tingling sensation in your feet while sleeping at night or your feet suddenly become numb, then the increase in sugar level can be a major reason behind this.

Excessive sweating: If you start sweating even after turning on the fan at night and this is happening almost every day, then you must get your glucose level checked once. This is also a major symptom of diabetes.

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Feeling uneasy: If you are feeling restlessness while sleeping at night. If you feel restlessness or your heartbeat suddenly increases, it could be a symptom of increased blood sugar level. In such a situation, go to the doctor immediately.

Dry mouth problem: If you are facing the problem of dry mouth while sleeping at night and are feeling very thirsty, then this can also be a symptom of diabetes.

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Excessive urination: In diabetes, the amount of glucose in the blood increases. Because of this, people have to get up several times at night to urinate. This symptom indicates that the glucose level in the blood is not under control.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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