Taxi driver became a religious leader, nurtured the desire to go to heaven, kept 191 children hungry for weeks, and one day…

Taxi driver became a religious leader, nurtured the desire to go to heaven, kept 191 children hungry for weeks, and one day…

Who does not wish to go to heaven? It is said in the scriptures that to go to heaven, a person should follow the rules according to religion and do good deeds. If you do good deeds then the way to heaven can open for you. But a religious leader adopted a strange method to climb the stairs to heaven. He himself starved 191 children living in his shrine for weeks, so that all could go to heaven before the end of the world.

This allegation has been made against Paul Mackenzie, a pastor living in Kenya. He and his 29 associates were produced before the court, and when the story of their misdeeds was narrated, even the judge was shocked. According to the news of the British newspaper Metro, Paul McKenzie and his followers lived in settlements in an area of ​​800 acres in the Shakahola forest. He had built the Good News International Church, in which hundreds of children also lived. It also had a school, where the children of the sect used to study. It is said that one day McKenzie had a dream in which it was said that the world was about to end. Therefore, there is only one way to go to heaven: stay hungry.

When I fell ill, I was not even allowed to go to the hospital.
McKenzie gave the same order to all his followers and even children. Kept him hungry for weeks. When he fell ill, he was not even allowed to go to the hospital. Said- God has told us that nothing will happen. Everything will be fine. As a result, children started dying. There were heaps of dead bodies. McKenzie ordered everyone to be buried there. Later, when this news reached the police, it was revealed. When the graves started being dug, it was found that more than 400 people had died. More than 191 of them were children. Even the policemen were stunned to see this.

Used to torture and sell videos to people
When further investigation was done, it was found that this person used to make videos of children. He used to torture them and also sold the videos to people. McKenzie was arrested last April. He was accused of terrorism-related crimes, murder and torture. The court sentenced him to 12 months in jail. A day ago he was again presented in the court. Then it came to light that he was mentally ill, that is why he used to do devilish acts. You will be surprised to know that McKenzie was just a taxi driver who created such a big scandal.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news, trending news, Viral news

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