Tea: Indians want tea again and again during the day, but do you know how many countries we are behind in the use of tea?

People often say that if the morning starts with tea, it will be fun. Not only this, some people want tea as soon as they wake up in the morning. Some people also call it bed tea. In India, tea is like a meal, which people drink several times throughout the day, because their day does not pass without tea. Some people think that tea is consumed the most in India. But in reality it is not so. Today we will tell you in which countries tea is consumed more than India.


In India, people drink tea from morning till bedtime. Are. Most of the people in India like tea with milk, their morning is not complete without it. But India is far behind in terms of tea consumption across the world. Yes, tea is drunk in many countries even more than India. 

Tea production

First let us know in which countries Tea is produced the most. Let us tell you that China is at the top in terms of tea production. Tea accounts for 68 percent of the total tea production in China. After this, India is at second place in terms of production. Every year 1,208,780 million tonnes of tea is produced in India. After this, Kenya has the third highest production of tea. After Kenya, tea is grown the most in Sri Lanka, where 340,200 tonnes of tea is produced every year. Turkey is at number five in terms of tea production and Turkey is at number one in terms of tea consumption.   

Who is at the forefront in drinking tea?

 Now the question is which country is at the forefront in drinking tea? Is? Let us tell you that in terms of tea consumption, Turkey is the first name in this list. People drink the most tea in Turkey. Every person in Turkey consumes 6.9 pounds of tea leaves in a year. After this, the name of Ireland is in the list, where the consumption is 4.8 pounds per person. After this are the names of UK, Russia, Morocco, New Zealand, Egypt, Poland, Japan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa. Let us tell you that India’s name comes after the top 25. India ranks 27th in tea consumption.

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