That infamous jail, where the bodies of prisoners hang like wings, women live the life of hell

That infamous jail, where the bodies of prisoners hang like wings, women live the life of hell

You must have heard about all the infamous jails of the world. Somewhere the prisoners kill each other and eat them, and somewhere they have to spend 24 hours on their knees. But today we are going to tell you about a dreaded prison in Iran, knowing about which your soul will tremble. Such a prison where the dead bodies of the prisoners hang like feathers. Women have to spend a life worse than hell. After spending seven months in this jail, a woman came out and what she revealed is astonishing.

This woman named Marzia Amirizadeh was put in Evin prison in Tehran in 2009. It was alleged that she follows Christianity. After spending seven months in jail, when she came out and what she revealed about this torture house is frightening. Marzia told that a few days ago people from the United Nations had come to do research on Iranian jails. Then a good ward was made. Some prisoners were made to sit. The doors of the remaining wards were closed. We made noise but no one heard our voice. I was stunned. Hands and feet became numb. I didn’t know what was happening.

beating of female prisoners
Meanwhile, one day the male guards came to search the women’s ward and started beating her. We could hear the sobs of the women prisoners. Later he was taken out in the jail courtyard and beaten. It is against Sharia law for men to attack women, but everyone there was so scared that no one could say anything. A person was killed in front of us. The prisoners were forced to watch how the murder was being done.

male guards scratch the body
According to The Sun’s report, Marzia Amirizadeh said that a woman was offered a job at the clinic but later learned that she had been abused. The male guards scratched her body daily. A friend of mine was blindfolded and taken for interrogation but when she came back she was trembling. Because where he was interrogated there were dead bodies of prisoners hanging like wings. More than 15 people were kept in one room. Bedbugs, cockroaches, rats and rotten food. This was the fate of the prisoners.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news, Weird news

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