The boyfriend left his phone at home, the girlfriend immediately started checking it, she found such a thing in the mobile, she was shocked on seeing it!

The boyfriend left his phone at home, the girlfriend immediately started checking it, she found such a thing in the mobile, she was shocked on seeing it!

There are many such secrets in a person’s life, which he cannot tell even his partner. Or he does such things in life, which he is not worth telling. In such a situation, when that secret is revealed in front of his family members, the ground slips under their feet. Something similar happened recently with a woman, when she checked her partner’s phone (Woman found partner gambling addict), she saw such a thing, which shocked her. After all, what was that thing, you will know this further in the news!

According to a report on The Sun website, Hannah Walker met her partner through mutual friends. They fell in love with each other and were together for 8 years. Not only that, they both became parents as well. When her daughter was 6 weeks old, Hannah found out something about her boyfriend that left her shocked and she felt as if her partner had deceived her for so long.

Now his life is on track. (Photo: Instagram/hellohannahlm)

Hannah learns the shocking truth
It so happened that one day Hanna’s partner had gone to play golf and he forgot to take his phone with him. Then what, Hanna got hold of that phone and started checking it. From the phone she came to know that her partner had gambled away more than 1 crore rupees. She was shocked to know this. Then many such details came to light, which revealed that her partner had a bad addiction to gambling. Hanna first felt like leaving the house. But she did not do so. She felt that this is the time when she has to show her support and love to her partner. When she asked her husband about this, slowly her husband started telling her everything and the burden on her mind started getting lighter.

Improved life of partner
Hannah did not know what to do next, so she searched the problem on Google. She sent an email to Gamblers Anonymous. This is an organization that helps gamblers from all over the world to quit this addiction. Hannah did not want to involve her family or friends in this problem because she thought that they would judge her partner and consider him a bad person, but she knew that her partner was not bad. Her partner started attending the meetings of Gamblers Anonymous and gradually a change was seen in him. He became closer to his family and friends. Slowly, the couple’s life has also come on track.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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