The bride was crying bitterly at the farewell, the parents kept laughing, then immediately the real face of the daughter was seen!

The bride was crying bitterly at the farewell, the parents kept laughing, then immediately the real face of the daughter was seen!

Every parent wishes that their daughter gets married in a good house where she is happy. The pain of sending their daughter away from their house can be clearly seen in their eyes. But despite this, they do not let their sorrow be expressed in front of anyone. But there comes a time when the dam of patience breaks. Everyone starts crying bitterly. Daughters also cry bitterly at the mention of going away from their parents. A similar video of the bride’s farewell is going viral on social media. But this is a slightly different matter. Actually, in this video you can see that a bride is sitting in the car and crying loudly. On the other hand, her parents are seen laughing.

You will also be surprised after watching this video. Seeing their daughter crying, the parents say something that the bride herself starts closing the car door with her hands. In the viral video, you can see that a bride is sitting in the car. She is being bid farewell. In such a situation, she is crying loudly. But on the other hand, her parents and relatives are laughing. Meanwhile, the girl starts saying raw almond, raw almond while crying. At the same time, her relatives open the car door and ask the bride to come out. In such a situation, the bride immediately closes the gate of the car and starts laughing loudly. Seeing the video, it seems that she was just pretending to cry. However, whether this video is of a real wedding or has been made for entertainment, News 18 Hindi does not confirm its truth.

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