All humans and animals on earth need blood to survive. Life cannot be imagined without blood. But do you know that the color of blood is also other than red. Yes, human blood is red in colour. But there are many animals whose blood is green, yellow and blue. Today we will tell you whose blood is of different color.
It is important to have blood in the body
There is blood in humans as well as animals. The life of any human or animal cannot be imagined without blood. However, the blood color of most animals including humans is red. But today we will tell you about some such animals, whose blood color apart from red is also green, blue and yellow.
Many colors of blood
You all. People must be knowing that human blood is red in colour. Apart from this, the blood of many other creatures is also red in colour. Apart from humans, the blood of vertebrates is also red in colour, the reason behind the red color of blood is the protein called hemoglobin present in it. The iron ore present in the blood combines with oxygen to give it a red color, but there are many creatures whose blood is blue, green and purple.
The blood of this animal is blue
Let us tell you that the blood found in sea creatures like octopus, molluscs, squid, crustaceans and spiders is blue in colour. Because hemocyanin flows in their blood instead of hemoglobin. Hemocysin contains more copper instead of iron and it turns the blood blue as soon as it meets oxygen.
Their blood is purple
Tell. Let us tell you that hemierythrin substance is found in the blood of some organisms. It supplies much less oxygen than hemoglobin and has no color of its own. But as soon as it meets oxygen, it turns purple or magenta and the blood of these creatures appears purple.
Green colored blood
Let us tell you that the blood of small creatures Chlorochloroquine is found in quantity. This subcomponent, similar to hemoglobin, turns dark green when it comes in contact with oxygen.
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