The dead body of an animal was found in a plastic bag, the police thought it was a dog, then later when the truth was found out, everyone was shocked!

The dead body of an animal was found in a plastic bag, the police thought it was a dog, then later when the truth was found out, everyone was shocked!

Many times the police find the dead body in such a condition that it is difficult to identify it. But this happens in the case of humans. But can this happen with animals? A very shocking case has come to light in Arlington, Virginia, near Washington DC in America. The police here found the dead body of an animal in pieces in a plastic bag. They kept thinking it was the dead body of a dog. But through a person it was found out that in reality it was not the dead body of a dog but of some other animal.

The carcass was stuffed in a plastic bag near a walking trail. But further investigation revealed the sad truth that it was the carcass of a black bear. The Animal Welfare League of Arlington was able to confirm the “unusual occurrence” through a concerned local.

Chelsea Jones, the league’s senior communications specialist, accompanied officers to the scene to find the dead bear. “This is a very unusual incident,” Jones said. The massive bear, weighing several hundred pounds, was not removed until Saturday morning. A forensic investigation is now underway to determine what happened to the bear, reports Mirror US.

It is surprising how someone could kill a rare animal like a black bear and leave it in a plastic bag. (Symbolic picture: Shutterstock)

A spokesperson for the Animal Welfare League of Arlington admitted they are still in the dark about how the bear died. While no evidence has been found so far to indicate foul play, Jones said if the bear was killed illegally by someone, it would be considered a crime.

There are only two exceptions to the rule against killing black bears, one being if the bear poses an immediate threat to human safety. The only other situation where a person can legally kill a bear is if the animal has injured or tried to injure a person.

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You have to report it to a state conservation police officer if you kill a bear, according to Jones, “They’re not trying to hurt, they’re not trying to cause problems. We’ve never had any incidents with any of the black bears that come in here.”

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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