Due to the cold weather, there is fog in most parts of India, making it difficult to get sunlight. Most of the people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency due to less sunlight. In this article we will talk in detail about 5 symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin. Which is very important for the functioning of the body. Well, this vitamin has many benefits. But the most important among these is that Vitamin D maintains calcium in the body and helps in strengthening the health of bones. However, in recent times due to cold weather and high density fog, people are not able to get enough sunlight.
What happens when there is deficiency of Vitamin D in the body?
Deficiency of Vitamin D in the body affects the bones and causes bone related problems. The body’s immunity gets affected and heart related problems occur. Autoimmune problems occur, neurological diseases occur and even infections occur. Deficiency of this vitamin also causes complications in pregnant women and also causes breast, prostate and colon cancer.
5 symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
Feeling sick often is a common sign of Vitamin D deficiency, which many people are not aware of. Because Vitamin D increases immunity, if it is deficient then the body starts losing the ability to fight many viruses. Because of this people fall ill again and again. Constant feeling of weakness and fatigue can also be a symptom of Vitamin D deficiency. If you feel tired all the time, the reason behind it could be Vitamin D deficiency. Which affects the energy level of the body as well as your mood.
The effect of Vitamin D deficiency can also be seen on hair.
Depression is also a major sign of Vitamin D deficiency. Constant weakness and fatigue can affect your mental health. Depression easily engulfs such people. Excessive hair fall and poor hair growth can also be due to Vitamin D deficiency. Most of us do not know, but hair is also affected by Vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, if despite shampoos and medicines there is no effect on hair health, then get your Vitamin D checked.
It is common for people who do not have sufficient amount of Vitamin D in their body to have rashes and acne on their skin. The skin of such people also starts looking prematurely old.
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Other symptoms of vitamin D deficiency
Due to deficiency of Vitamin D in the body, bones become weak, osteoporosis, pain in bones, muscle cramps, muscle weakness, severe pain in muscles and stiffness in joints are felt.
Which people are at greater risk?
People who avoid sunlight are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. People who are allergic to milk, lactose intolerant or who follow a vegan diet are also at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency. Breastfeeding women, older people, people with dark skin, obese people and people who have had gastric bypass surgery are at higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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