The doctors had declared the man dead, then he saw such scenes that no one would believe!

The doctors had declared the man dead, then he saw such scenes that no one would believe!

In an unusual experience, a man has revealed how he had a shocking experience after doctors pronounced him dead. He said he was declared dead after taking an overdose of an unsafe bodybuilding supplement. He saw paramedics decide he couldn’t be saved and put him in a body bag. He was then taken to heaven by a spiritual guide, showing him every good and bad thing he had done in his life. He also had many supernatural experiences.

Vincent Tolman of America says that in this strange experience he understood the true meaning of life and learned that the earth was only a school and never a court. Vincent’s spiritual guide, who called himself Drake, explained to him telepathically how the universe works. He had to go through that suffering before his death.

He told the Coming Home podcast that he ordered a bodybuilding supplement from abroad but it was probably something very different and as soon as he consumed it, he started feeling dizzy and fainted, and started suffocating. When paramedics arrived, Vincent claimed they tried to revive him but were unsuccessful and then put him in a body-bag and started taking him to the hospital.

Vincent says that this was an extraordinary experience for him. (Photo: Vincent Tolman)

Vincent said it all happened like it was in a movie, he was officially dead for 45 minutes, and spent the next three days in a coma while his distraught family rushed to his bedside. But the real experience was with a spiritual guide who was taking him to another dimension.

During this time, he saw all his bad deeds and then suddenly a bright light shone. When he tried to see where the heat was coming from, he started seeing good deeds. Its guide discussed with him and finally decided to return him to life. Vincent believes that the most difficult part was to come back.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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