World’s no 1 horror movie: Horror, mystery and suspense are the best choice for audience films. However, it is not easy for people with weak heart to watch horror movies. But do you know that a horror film is such that the heart of strong hearts was also exploded? This was the reason that this horror film had to be banned in many countries.
We are talking about ‘The Executive’, which is called the most scary film in the world. It is a horror-mind film released in theaters in 1973. Hearing the mixed review of the film, the audience went to the theater to see it and the film also collected more than $ 400 million. But it is so dangerous and scary that after seeing it, the soul of the people trembled.
People fainted, vomiting of blood!
According to many reports, the health of the audience started deteriorating while watching ‘The Executive’. People started fainting in the theater itself and many people started vomiting of blood. At the same time, many viewers also fell victim to cerebral angiography. In several UK media reports, it was also claimed that when the film was released, not only did people get sick while watching ‘The Executive’, but many people died of heart attack. In such a situation, this film has been banned in many countries.
Cursed was ‘The Excession’?
It is said that this film is cursed. This is because not only the audience was victims of it, but even the members associated with the film could not escape its curse. Several reports claimed that about 20 people working in ‘The Exercises’ lost their lives. During the shooting, someone used to get injured every day. Actor Jack McGowon and Wasilicki Maliyaros (whose characters were shown death in the film), actually died after the release of the film. However, the curtain could never arise from this mystery that what is the real reality behind it.