The fear of heart attack keeps troubling you all the time, so be careful, this is a disease of the mind, not the heart.

The fear of heart attack keeps troubling you all the time, so be careful, this is a disease of the mind, not the heart.

Cardiophobia : Nowadays the risk of heart diseases is increasing rapidly. People have become aware and are going to the doctor when symptoms appear, but in some cases, people are seen visiting the hospital even with normal chest pain. This kind of awareness is also good, but if the test shows that your heart is completely fit, then getting worried by considering chest pain as a heart attack is not a disease of the heart but of the brain, which is called Cardiophobia. Let us know what is this disease and what are the dangers…

what is cardiophobia

Doctors say that cardiophobia is a type of stress disorder, which creates fear in the mind regarding heart related diseases. In the beginning there is no problem in this but with time this fear becomes dangerous and can badly affect mental health. Due to this, a different kind of phobia is formed in the mind. In such a case, even if a person’s heart is completely healthy, he considers even normal chest pain as a symptom of a heart attack and goes to the doctor again and again.

Reason for increasing cardiophobia

According to cardiologists, cases of heart attacks have increased rapidly in recent times. Because of this people are becoming victims of cardiophobia. People who already have mental health problems may have more cardiophobia. In some cases, cardiophobia can also be caused by some kind of anxiety. In such a situation, it is important to understand the difference between heart disease and normal problems.

The difference between heart disease and common problems

According to the doctor, the symptoms of heart attack usually include severe and persistent pain in the chest, restlessness and difficulty in breathing, some people may also experience nausea and cold sweat, while in case of cardiophobia, there is a problem of increased heartbeat. it occurs. If there is a heart problem, chest pain can occur at any time, but in cardiophobia, during mental stress, one feels that there is pain in the chest, even though there is no such pain. This starts happening again and again because of thinking.

How to avoid cardiophobia

1. If all the heart tests have been done and there is no disease, then never consider chest pain as a symptom of heart attack.

2. If phobia has formed in the mind then consult a psychiatrist.

3. It can be easily treated with CBT.

4. This can be avoided by improving lifestyle and diet.

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