The first private spacecraft landed on the moon, made safe landing on the South Pole, created history, but…

By now you must have seen NASA and ISRO landing on the moon. But for the first time in the world, a private company has created history by landing a spacecraft on the South Pole of the Moon. Lander Odysseus of America’s Houston-based private company Intuitive Machines has landed on the South Pole of the Moon. The company launched it on 15 February 2024. With this, America has become the second country to land on the South Pole of the Moon. Earlier, India’s Chandrayaan-3 had made a record by landing on the South Pole.

According to the BBC report, there was some fault in Odysseus’ navigation system before landing. Scientists thought that perhaps the spacecraft had fallen down and would no longer be able to be contacted, but after some time the connection was established again. Signals started coming from the spacecraft. After this the company was successful in making a safe landing. As soon as the spacecraft touched down, the employees jumped in joy. There was a lot of applause. According to Indian time, the spacecraft landed at 4:53 pm.

Odysseus on the surface of the moon
Mission director Tim Crane said that we can say without any doubt that Odysseus is on the surface of the moon. We are able to connect with him. This moment is very important for the participation of private companies in the field of space. Because in many countries of the world including India, private companies are being given opportunities in the field of space. This will also strengthen efforts to send humans to the moon in the future. With this mission, America has once again reached the moon after almost 50 years. Earlier, when the Apollo mission was sent in 1972, the American lander slowly sank into the lunar soil.

What will Odysseus do?
Tim Crane said, the purpose of the Odysseus Moon mission is to study the dust present on the surface of the Moon. Because the astronauts who went on the Apollo mission had told that there was a lot of dust there, due to which their equipment got damaged. Now scientists want to know how the dust that rises there works when a spacecraft lands on the lunar surface. How then does it settle on the surface? What is its gravity level? You will be surprised to know that the American space agency NASA has also purchased 6 blocks in this spacecraft, and has sent its equipment. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said, America has returned to the Moon. For the first time in human history, an American company has traveled to the moon. This shows the promise, power of NASA.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news

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