The ground slipped from under the man’s feet, when he came to know the horrifying truth of ‘frequent nose bleeding’, his heart trembled!

The ground slipped from under the man’s feet, when he came to know the horrifying truth of ‘frequent nose bleeding’, his heart trembled!

There are many rare diseases around the world, which are surprising to know about. Some of these diseases look very simple, but in reality they are very dangerous. One such disease happened to a person living in Syria. It is said that for the last few years, this person’s nose kept running again and again. He used to clean it with a handkerchief, thinking that maybe it was due to some allergy. But during this time, the person started fainting again and again and also started having a severe headache, so he went to the hospital and consulted a doctor. There the doctors did all the tests and what they revealed shocked the person and he felt terrified. What this person thought was a simple cold, was actually a part of his brain which was leaking and coming out of his nose.

The identity of this 20-year-old man has not been revealed due to the rare disease. But the doctors in the hospital questioned him and after investigation concluded that the man had suffered a severe head injury in a car accident 6 years ago. But he refused to get treatment. Shortly after this accident, his nose started running and complaints of headache and fainting increased. For many years he kept himself away from treatment, but when the pain increased, he showed it to the doctor in the hospital. In such a situation, medical experts have revealed that his brain was actually coming out of his nose. According to the Journal of Medical Case Reports, it was a “leak” of a clear fluid that protects the brain and spinal cord called cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). At the same time, fluid from the brain was coming out of the holes in his skull, which is called traumatic encephalocele.

Picture of the man’s skull. This man’s brain was slowly coming out of his nose. (Photo- Kenana Tawashi et al)

According to doctors, this is usually a congenital defect, which affects one in 10,400 people. This means that a layer of tissue protecting the brain comes out. In some cases, some parts of the brain also come out. But the Syrian man had this rare disease due to a serious injury in a car accident. Experts claim that about 40,000 children born every year in America suffer from this rare disease. It is said that this 20-year-old youth was admitted to the ICU for a month and an MRI of his brain was done. The investigation revealed that he had a fracture in his skull and a brain disorder had developed. During this time, the doctors asked him to undergo surgery, but he refused.

However, after a month, he was again admitted to the hospital and was ready to undergo surgery. After this, the doctors performed surgery on his brain and hoped that he is now completely cured. Since this was a rare case, a case study of this young man was also prepared. The case report states, “The young man’s surgery was done by a specialist who brought the herniated brain tissue back to its normal place. Repaired the meninges and reconstructed the base of the skull with bone cement and bio-glue. The patient recovered without any problem after the surgery.” Let us tell you that if this young man had not shown the doctors in the hospital at the right time, he could have died due to this rare disease.

Tags: The news has hit the, OMG News, Rare and extinct, shocking news, Weird news

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