The heaviest black hole in the universe, it can hold 28 billion suns, its outcome is unpredictable.

The heaviest black hole in the universe, it can hold 28 billion suns, its outcome is unpredictable.

Scientists have discovered the heaviest black metal joint ever discovered. Astronomers have measured the mass of a pair of two supermassive black holes with the help of the Gemini North Telescope and found that these are the heaviest black holes among the pairs of supermassive black holes. From this measurement, they have come to the conclusion that their weight is a major factor in preventing the merger of black holes.

This elliptical galaxy named B2 0402+379 contains the twin supermassive black holes whose mass is equal to 28 billion suns. Martin Still, NSF program director of the International Gemini Observatory, says that measuring the mass of this supermassive black hole Dwija will prove to be very encouraging for further research.

After the merger of two galaxies, their black holes can form a binary pair. Theoretically, it is believed that these black holes eventually meet. But the interesting thing is that this has not been seen happening anywhere yet. Evidence has been seen in which some black holes have come close to each other at a distance of only 24 light years.

So far scientists have not seen the merger of any black hole pair. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

The interesting thing is that not a single merger has been seen so far. The question is whether such an incident is possible or not. This has been a subject of debate among astronomers for decades. According to the prevailing theory, these systems are so large that they consume the stellar material of their galaxy which is necessary for merger. This Dwij black hole seems to support this idea.

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Researchers say that to slow down the orbit of Dwij, a huge amount of stars will be required so that both of them can come very close. In this process, both the black holes have swallowed all the surrounding matter, leaving no stars and gas near the center of the galaxy. This is the reason why their merger process has stopped. Scientists have not been able to find out whether both the black holes will be able to recover from this situation or not and whether they will ever merge? At present, scientists are considering B2 0402+379 as a fossil group. Scientists are now studying them separately.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, science news, Weird news

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